Tagged: Cris Sommer-Simmons
Stage 8 – Wichita, KS to Dodge City, KS – 184 miles It feels like the old West: locomotives, old motorcycles, saloons, and lots of cowboy boots. The ride started at the hotel this morning, but as we arrived in Boot Hill it was like stepping (or rather riding) back...
Stage 6 – Cape Girardeau, MO to Springville, MO – 249 miles As we drifted off to sleep listening to the weather report, I heard something about wind, rain and possible tornados! I thought the next stage was going to be a disaster. As it turns out, the morning was...
It hardly seems like two years have past since the last Motorcycle Cannonball, but time moves forward just like the bikes. This year’s event, dubbed “The Race of the Century”, features motorcycles 100 years old and older. The motorcycles date from 1904 to 1916 and will be riding 3300+ miles....